Workshops at Pa Gya! (2023)

We are happy to announce the opening of applications to the workshops at the 2023 edition of Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra. The workshops sessions are slated for 13th and 14th October. On account of the limited spaces available, sign-up is required for the workshops. This list will be updated.
Please see the list below and apply using the linked forms. Applications are open from 22nd September to 6th October, 2023.
Workshops that are fully booked ahead of this time will be closed to new applications.
Crafting Compelling Submissions for UK-based Literary Prizes
Facilitator: Bronia Humble
Time: 3.00 PM - 4.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: Being long or short-listed for a literary prize is a coveted stepping stone towards securing an agent and a future publishing deal. But what does it take to be shortlisted? This workshop is designed for aspiring authors and aims to explain how UK-based literary prizes work and what a writer can do to maximise their chances of winning. Participants will get the opportunity to work with their own existing manuscript or brainstorm ideas for a novel opening during the workshop.
This workshop is fully booked and is now closed.
Art Writing : You Can Say What You Think
Facilitators: Ama Benewaa Tawiah, Jeff Atuobi, Abbey It-A
Time: 10.00 AM - 11.30 AM, Saturday, 14th October 2023.
Venue: FCA-Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This Art Writing workshop is a series of exercises in self-expression and discovery through interactions with contemporary art pieces and some texts. "You can say what you think" is a unique opportunity for participants to respond to art and develop their own distinctive approaches to art writing.
Project Highlights:
- Interactions with contemporary arts that stimulate and challenge one’s perception and makes one pay attention to their aesthetic responses.
- It is all about the participant and their perspective.
Individuals are encouraged through specific tasks to cultivate their voice and articulate their opinions about contemporary arts. There will be collaborative learning from peer feedback and insight sharing.
The work of the participants will be collected and published on an online platform that is widely available.
The workshop can take only 10 participants.
This workshop is fully booked and is now closed.
How to Write Dynamic Fiction
Facilitator: Bisi Adjapon.
Time: 2.00 PM - 3.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: Acclaimed writer Bisi Adjapon is facilitating a short, intensive workshop in fiction writing. Learn the art of crafting dynamic writing that keeps readers turning the page. For writers eager to sharpen their skills.
The workshop can take only 10 participants.
This workshop is fully booked and is now closed.
Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop.
Facilitator: Samantha Boateng Habadah.
Time: 12.00 PM - 4.00 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This workshop has been carefully put together to cater for participants with little to no creative writing experience who wish to delve into creative writing. The workshop is target at young adults. This workshop is highly interactive and the participants will be engaged in various activities and writing exercises.
This workshop is fully booked and is now closed.
"Lorgorligi Locomotion" - Writing and Performing
Facilitator: Hondred Percent.
Time: 12.00 PM - 2.00 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: The workshop aims to ignite creativity and provide a platform for poets of all levels to share their work in a supportive and inclusive environment. The workshop will have poets experience the journey of writing poetry and preparing for performing said poetry. Participants will be engaged in writing with available prompts and performing written works during the workshop.
"Speak Your Verse, Speak With Courage" - Performance Poetry Workshop.
Facilitator: Emma Ofosua.
Time: 10.00 AM - 12.00 PM, Saturday, 14th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop:The "Speak Your Verse, Speak With Courage" workshop will focus on the art of performance poetry, enabling poets to elevate their written words into captivating spoken performances. The workshop will introduce participants to Performance poetry, what it is and the technical approaches to help performers maximise the craft and engage their audience.
Writing as Thinking.
Facilitator: Professor Pamela Nichols.
Time: 12.30 PM - 2.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This workshop will introduce writing as thinking, which is the foundational premise behind both the Wits Writing Centre and the Wits Writing Programme (at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa).
In this workshop, we shall explore repertoires of voice employed to construct a scene or event from within a particular mind at a particular moment. We shall consider and practise how syntax can be used to construct a representation of consciousness, contrasting the representation of visceral experience, or participant text, with the representation of a qualified overview, or spectator text. Lastly, we shall consider how movement along the participant-spectator text spectrum can enliven both creative and academic writing. Participants in the workshop are required to bring writing materials and to be ready to experiment with ways of thinking and writing. Participants will also be provided with access to the preliminary draft of an online handbook on Creative Academic Writing.
The workshop can take only 20 participants.
This workshop is fully booked and is now closed.
Creative Nonfiction: Personal Essays and Memoir.
Facilitator: Audrey Shipp.
Time: 1.30 PM - 3.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: In this workshop we will situate creative nonfiction as a genre within the broader context of creative writing. How does the personal essay differ from the academic essay? Where do memoir writing and travel writing fit within the context of creative nonfiction? How is creative nonfiction similar to and different from fiction? To consider these questions, we will read examples of creative nonfiction, and engage in generative writing so that participants leave the workshop with their own CNF text.
Literary Reading and Translation Workshop.
Facilitator: Ray Ndebi.
Time: 12.30 PM - 4.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This workshop invites participants who have an interest in translation and critical reading of literature. The two part workshop will engage participant to help them gain proper skill to
- Read to improve skills in writing
- Read to improve skills in literary translation 3
- Read to improve skills in analysis, editing, publishing.
A Workshop on How To Write A Short Story.
Facilitator: Anni Domingo.
Time: 2.30 PM - 4.30 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: If you’re wondering how to write a short story I’m here to help.
Short stories, and getting good at writing them, can actually set you up for success in other writing ventures as well. Short stories are to novels what TV episodes are to movies. They are a form of narrative writing that has all the same elements as novels—plot, character development, point of view, story structure, theme—but are delivered in fewer words. For many writers, short stories are a less scary way to dive into creative writing than trying to write a novel. This doesn’t mean writing short fiction is easy—it, like every other kind of writing, comes with its own unique challenges. This workshop has got tips for everything from coming up with short story ideas to fleshing out a plot, to getting your work published in literary magazines.
Writing the Memoir.
Facilitator: Mo Issa.
Time: 10.10 AM - 11.10 AM, Saturday, 14th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: If you’re wondering how to write a short story I’m here to help.
What goes into writing a memoir? How does a writer who set out to write a memoir navigate what to tell and filter out. Why should one write a memoir and where does one begin? This workshop seeks to take participants through all that they need to know when it comes to memoir and writing a memoir.
"From Pen to Publish" - Independent Publishing Workshop
Facilitator: Apiorkor.
Time: 9.30 AM - 11.30 AM, Saturday, 14th October 2023.
Venue: Goethe-Institut Ghana.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This workshop is aimed at poets interested in publishing their work. The workshop will help participants understand Independent Publishing and explore the benefits and process of self-publishing for poets. The workshop will touch on Navigating Publishing Platforms, Crafting a Poetry Collection, Cover Design and Formatting as well as Legal Considerations on on copyright, distribution, and protecting creative work.
Deep Dive -- Introduction to Verse Journalism
Facilitator: Apiorkor.
Time: 12.30 PM - 2.00 PM, Friday, 13th October 2023.
Venue: British Council.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: Leave your inhibitions at the door and step into a world of artistic expression, as well as Social Justice, with Poet, Media Practitioner, TED Speaker and Activist, Apiorkor [Seyiram Ashong-Abbey]. After a performance to inspire your creativity, you'll be guided through a journey of written self-expression using a series of unorthodox prompts. Draw upon your lived experience and the things that you fear to speak up about to create Poetry, comment on social issues, document 21st Century culture and finish with an opportunity to share your work with your fellow creators of Verse Journalism.
Picture Book Working: Writing and Illustration (virtual)
Facilitators: “Ajet” Ajetunmobi and Blessing Tarfa
Time: 9.30 AM - 11.30 AM, Sunday, 15th October 2023.
Venue: Online. Link will be shared with registered participants.Open to signed-up participants only.
About the Workshop: This workshop invites writers and illustrators to an interactive hands-on workshop that invites writers and illustrators to learn a few fundamentals in the craft while working on a project together. The workshop aims at introducing participants to unique approaches to storytelling in children's literature. Participants will benefit from topics like Character development, writing, editing, use of setting in storytelling, getting your picture book published and other useful topics while also exploring the benefits of collaboration.