Sarah Dorgbadzi (Dr.)

Sarah Dorgbadzi (Dr.)

Dr Sarah Dorgbadzi is a storyteller, cantor, director, and an actor. She is the former Head of Department of Theatre Arts at the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, Legon. About fifteen years ago, the events of life awakened her to the reality that the Ghanaian communal storytelling was gradually becoming an endangered art form. She then started a movement to revive and document Ghanaian community Storytelling for posterity. Out of this movement, she established the Lododo Art Foundation which embraces Storytelling, Experimental theatre, Advocacy, Ghanaian Language Proficiency, Cultural Activism and on a whole, as a mentoring organization to help young artists find their voices. She is currently the Artistic Director of the foundation. Dr Dorgbadzi has worked in various communities in Ghana to get the people to revive their storytelling culture. She has documented over one thousand stories in audio-visual format. Her data has supported two PhD research and several MA, MPhil, MFA, and other academic research. Her research area is Folk Aesthetics, and Performance and spirituality. Based on her activities, Dr Dorgbadzi has also given numerous presentations at both national and international conferences, and she has a number of publications to her credit.